Gavin Nicholson

Dr. Gavin Nicholson

Lecturer, Human Resources Management


Open to

  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision


Dr. Gavin has significant industry experience in both the public and private sectors that consists of a broad range of expertise in strategic business planning and development, management, leadership, commercial analysis, project management, stakeholder management services and Corporate Governance. He is now a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with teaching experience for students at MBA and Undergraduate level in Australian, Malaysian, Chinese, Thai and French Universities and International Business Schools.

Industry experience:
- Australian Military
- Australian Government
- Executive Recruitment
- Education
- Corporate Training and Consulting

Employment history
- NSW Police Service
- Australian Government Agencies: Customs and Border Protection, Medicare, Department of Health and Ageing
- Corporate Consulting and Training - Singapore, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong
- Academia: Victoria University (Melbourne and Sydney, University of Sydney Business School, Southern Cross University, Swinburne University, Latrobe University, Australian Institute of Management, Prince of Songkla University and Naresuan University Thailand, Skema International Business School Suzhou China, Sunway College Malaysia

Teaching interests

- Human Resources Management

Research interests

- Organisational Behaviour
- Change Management
- Leadership and Management
- Digitalisation