Academic Records

The Academic Records tile allows you to view your enrolment history, course results and academic history, and download your statement of enrolment.

About the tile

  • Enrolment History – You can view a summary of current and past course enrolments, listed in semester order, including grades (where available), credit points and status (Enrolled, Completed or Credit Transfer).
  • View Results – You can view your Grades by Semester and see your academic results for the semester when it's available as mentioned in the Academic Calendar
  • Academic History - You can view a summary of programs, including your academic career, the academic program, semester of commencement and program status. From this view, you can click on a program and download a PDF of your academic history in that program, including results and the grade point average (GPA)
  • Statement of Enrolment - Statement of Enrolment is an official statement that confirms your enrolled program and class for the selected semester of the academic year.
    • Statements of enrolment will be automatically created once Enrolment (either self-service or pre-enrolment) is complete and will be available for you to view, access and download a PDF statement for each of your semesters at RMIT.
    • You can view any past semesters by clicking on the Semester, which will generate a PDF of 'Statement of Enrolment' for the selected semester in a new tab (this can occur any time after enrolment).

Frequently asked questions

You can view your Enrolment History, from the myRMIT Academic Records tile in the Enrolment History section.

You can view a summary of current and past course enrolments, listed in semester order, including grades (where available), credit points and status (Enrolled, Completed or Credit Transfer).

Check the Academic Calendar to know the date when your academic results are available each semester. 

You can view your Grades by Semester in the View Results section of the myRMIT Academic Records tile.

Your Statement of Enrolment is an official statement that confirms your program and class enrolments for the academic year. A new Statement of Enrolment is generated overnight after any changes are made to your enrolment.

You can view and download a PDF of all your finalised enrolments in the form of Statement of Enrolment. A PDF version of this document can be accessed from the Academic Records tile, Statement of Enrolment page.