Creativity Scholarship

Applications open

12 January 2025

Applications close

4 July 2025


50% of program tuition fees

Number of scholarships


Outcome release

26 September 2025


The scholarships are exclusively available to prospective students with outstanding creativity, who want to transform their ideas into design solutions through the Bachelor of Design (Digital Media), Bachelor of Design Studies, Bachelor of Fashion (Enterprise)Bachelor of Digital Film and Video or Bachelor of Design (Games).

  • 3 scholarships will be provided to recipients at the Saigon South campus
  • 2 scholarships will be provided to recipients at the Hanoi campus
  • These scholarships are 50% of the tuition fees


To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:

  • Be a citizen of Vietnam;
  • Have completed high school with a minimum grade 12 GPA of 7.0 / 10.0; or IB diploma with a minimum of 25 points in total; or GCE ‘A’ Levels (UK) of minimum 7 points for three Advanced subjects (A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1), or equivalent;
  • Have IELTS (Academic) 6.5+ (no band below 6.0) or equivalent. For other international English entry requirements, please view the English equivalency requirements (links to Australian website);
  • Have applied for admission to one of the following programs and meet the program entry requirements (conditional offer may be considered): 
  • Be commencing study in the respective Bachelor’s degree program in a semester in 2025*
  • Be able to demonstrate outstanding creativity through the digital portfolio.

* If successful, the scholarship will only apply from semester 3 2025 (October 2025).


  • Once accepted, this scholarship cannot be transferred to another degree program and campus.
  • For Vietnamese high school transcripts that do not include a yearly cumulative GPA, the Scholarship Office will calculate the GPA for each year by averaging the GPA of the subjects assessed on the 10-point scale. Subjects assessed as pass/fail will not be included in the calculation.

Scholarship application requirements

To apply for the Creativity Scholarship, you must submit 2-3 examples of your work in digital format. These give you an added opportunity to demonstrate your skills, interests and strengths in producing creative, design or digital media content.

These allow students who are creatively excellent but may not have achieved equally high standards or grades in their traditional academic school subjects to present their creative work.

Your Digital Portfolio should be carefully assembled and focused in such a way as to tell us who you are and to demonstrate – through your work - your passion for creativity and design. It should not be a collection of unrelated works and the emphasis should be on quality rather than quantity.

Your Digital Portfolio may include some of the following

  • Graphic design or photographic work;
  • Fashion drawings, sketchbooks or photographs of garments or prototypes;
  • Video, animation or motion work;
  • Sound design, remixes, or music composition;
  • Interactive work (ie. websites, apps, games);
  • Synopsis of a game that you are passionate about creating (including the concept, idea, genre, and relevant drawings/designs etc.);
  • Any other example of your chosen creative works in digital format.

Most importantly, your Digital Portfolio should be structured and/or narrated to explain exactly the work you are showing. It should not be left to the viewer to try and work out what the video contains. Ultimately, your digital portfolio should portray you, and your creative accomplishments, as worthy of an RMIT scholarship for creative excellence.


The Digital Portfolio (Design) will consist of either a video file (max 3 minutes) or other digital files (portfolio size to be 30 MB or less). It must contain a title page (Digital Creative Portfolio) and clearly include your name. Your Digital Creative Portfolio should be uploaded to an online platform (such as Vimeo, YouTube) or any other online repository (Google Drive, etc) and a link provided. Submissions will not be accepted in any other way than online. 


All portfolio works must be original and created by the candidate and presented in English.

How to apply

1. Find your program

2. Check your eligibility

3. Prepare your documents

4. Submit your application


  • Before applying for the scholarship, we recommend that applicants read the scholarship terms and conditions
  • The scholarship application process is highly competitive with a limited number of scholarships available. Unfortunately, not all eligible applicants will receive one

Key dates

  • Applications close: 4 July 2025, 5:00pm GMT +7
  • Release of outcome: by 26 September 2025

Contact us

If you have questions about your scholarship application, or the outcome, please contact the scholarship coordinator via