Eligibility and Apply to graduate

All RMIT students must apply to graduate. When you apply, you'll get to choose if you want to graduate at a ceremony or in absentia.

On this page, you will find information about: 

Prepare for graduation

1. It is important to update your personal email before the result release day of your last semester. Please contact Student Connect to check and update this information.  

2. Three weeks after the results release day, you will receive:  

  • The official digital transcript and Statement of Completion (SAC) sent to your personal registered email. 

Note: Students completing their programs from October 2022 onwards will automatically be issued a digital SAC via My eQuals along with their completion transcript.

  • An email from RMIT Vietnam Graduation department to your student email (sxxxxxxx@rmit.edu.vn) with instructions to apply for Graduation.  

3. Students who are projected to complete their program in semester 3 will receive a graduation application email in December.  

How to apply for graduation

You're ready to graduate when you have: 

  • met all academic requirements of your program 
  • no missing results or credit transfers 
  • no outstanding debts to the University. 

If you receive emails from RMIT Vietnam Graduation department three weeks after the results release day, it means that you are eligible to graduate.  

  1. Log in to Enrolment Online with your RMIT student ID and password. If you forgot your password, you can follow the instructions here to reset it or contact RMIT Vietnam's IT services
  2. On the Enrolment Online portal: 
    • Select My Student Record 
    • Select Graduation details 
    • Select Apply to graduate/ Change graduation option

Then continue to Step 3 to select your graduation option and complete your application.

You can select to Graduate in absentia or Attend the ceremony. You can select your option in the Graduation option section on the Enrolment Online portal. 

Graduate in absentia: 

  • You do not attend the ceremony.  
  • You will confer (graduate) at the end of the month you apply to graduate in absentia, and you will receive the set of digital academic statements (testamur, AHEGS, transcript) on the second working day of the following month. No fee applied.  
  • After the digital testamur is issued, you will receive an email on how to access your digital academic statement and how to order a hard copy testamur. The fee to order hard-copy testamur is 55AUD including shipping.  
  • Your RMIT student’s credential (student email, Canvas, etc.) will be deactivated after you are conferred in absentia (i.e. after your digital academic statements are issued).

Attend the ceremony: 

There is only one graduation ceremony per year. The next RMIT Vietnam Graduation Ceremony is currently scheduled for April 2024. 

  • You attend the ceremony. 
  • You will receive a set of digital academic statements (testamur, AHEGS, transcript) and a hard copy of testamur on your graduation day. 
  • Your RMIT student’s credential (student email, Canvas, etc.) will be deactivated after you are conferred at the ceremony (i.e. after your digital academic statements are issued). 

Please note that there is a fee to attend the ceremony. We will update more information closer to the date on the page Attend the ceremony

Name order 

To change your name order that will display on your testamur, click on Change name order. You can only choose from the available options in the list and then click OK to apply the change and return to the previous page. 

If you would like to change your name order after you submit your application and before your digital testamur is issued, please log your request via Student Connect

When your digital testamur is issued, you cannot change your name order. 

Personal details 

Make sure that your personal details in RMIT's records are correct, especially your personal email address. 

Important notes

Application deadline 

If you do not apply to graduate by the deadlines mentioned in the email from RMIT, you will automatically graduate in absentia. In this case, the name order and personal email will be set as default. 

If you are not sure about the options, please choose to Attend the Ceremony, you can change your option anytime then. 

Supporting documents 

While waiting for the official certificate, you have the following options as supporting documents for your work/study applications:  

  • Request the Confirmation letters that confirm you have completed your program at RMIT. Please log this request via Student Connect.  
  • Use Official digital academic transcript in My eQuals. In the transcript, there is a completion date (i.e. the date you complete your program at RMIT). 
  • Use Digital Statement of Academic Completion (SAC) in My eQual
    • Students completing your programs from October 2022 onwards will automatically be issued with a digital SAC via My eQuals along with their completion transcript. 
    • Students completing your programs before October 2022: You can order a digital or hard-copy SAC. Please refer to this page for more information about SAC and how to order the digital and/or hard-copy version. 

Loss of access to RMIT systems 

Up to 24 hours after you are conferred (in absentia or at the ceremony), your RMIT student credentials, including your student email, Canvas, etc., will be deactivated. This is a legal requirement for RMIT. 

Before then, make sure you transfer the contents of your RMIT student emails to your personal email and download any course materials or other important information stored on RMIT systems.