
The revitalisation work package plans to record both communal and built heritage around the Kenh Te canal.

The research will offer alternative ways to understand urban design, tourism and education, in and around the canal.

The current case studies with the river city plans to address the disruption events it has faced and continues to face - namely, new urban development paradigms that lack sustainable development considerations (no river-city connection continuum), river controls focusing on city level economic priorities (shipping, land transport, flood mitigation) and overlooked social (community resilience, right to the city, urban green space, neighbourhood safety) and ecological and environment degradation (animal and plant biodiversity).

Riverside housing in Ho Chi Minh city Riverside housing in Ho Chi Minh City.

Lead academic

Dr Nuno da Costa Cardoso Dantas Ribeiro, Senior lecturer, The Business School, RMIT Vietnam.


Vietnamese boats anchoring by the river

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