Hyejin Park

School: School of Business
Department: Management
Position: Lecturer
Location: RMIT Saigon South
Email: hyejin.park@rmit.edu.vn 
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1335-6570

Dr. Park received her Ph.D. in Tourism Management from University of Florida, USA and her master's degree in Hospitality Management from Ohio State University. She also has more than 5 years of working experience as a professional researcher at Korea Tourism Organization and Korea Culture & Tourism Institute under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in South Korea. Her research interest lies in destination management and marketing, particularly, she is interested in how tourism and hospitality information travels from destination to consumer via different types of technologies. 

  • Ph.D. Tourism Management, University of Florida, FL, USA, College of Health and Human Performance 
  • M.S. Hospitality Management, Ohio State University, OH, USA, 
  • B.S. Tourism Management & Business Administration, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea 

  • Tourism & Hospitality Management 

  • Technology Trends in Tourism & Hospitality 
  • Authenticity in Tourism Experience 
  • Tourism Policies, Planning, and Development 
  • International Tourist Behavior  
  • Information Diffusion in Tourism & Hospitality 

  • Stepchenkova, S., Belyaeva, V., Dai, X., Guerrero- Rodríguez, Kim, M., &. Park, H. (2024). Authentication of tourist attractions: personally- and culture-related factors. Submitted to International Journal of Tourism Research (ABDC ranking: A) Forthcoming. 
  • Park, H., & Stepchenkova, S. (2023). Invisible power of culture: Mapping tourist information flow of national DMO websites. Journal of Travel Research, 62(4), 753-767. (ABDC ranking: A*)
  • Stepchenkova, S., & Park, H. (2021). Authenticity Orientation as an Attitude: Scale Construction and Validation. Tourism Management, 83, 104249. (ABDC ranking: A*) 
  • Park, H., Seo, S., & Kandampully, J. (2016). Why post on social networking sites (SNS)? Examining motives for visiting and sharing pilgrimage experiences on SNS. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 22(4), 307-319. (ABDC ranking: A)

  • Stepchenkova, S., Dai, X., Guerrero-Rodriguez, R., Belyaeva, V., Kim, M., & Park, H. (2022). Authentication of Tourist Attractions: Authenticity Orientation Attitude and National Culture. ITSA 2022 Grand Canaria-9th Biennial Conference: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Global Tourism Strategies After Covid 19. July 25-29, Gran Canaria Island, Spain, Stand-up presentation. Best Paper Award Finalist. 
  • Park, H., & Stepchenkova, S. (2022). Tourist Information Flow on the Web from the Perspective of Network Analysis. 2022 UF HHP Stanley Lecture Research Symposium, March 24, Gainesville, USA, Poster presentation. Runner-up Award. 
  • Park. H., & Stepchenkova, S. (2022). Exploring the Role of Authenticity Orientation in Virtual Reality. The 27th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. January 7-9, Houston, USA, Stand-up presentation (Virtual). Best Paper Award Finalist. 
  • Park, H., Liang, Y., & Ying, Q. (2019). Projected and Perceived Destination Image on Social Media: Comparing perception of destination image between official DMO in South Korea and Chinese travelers. The China Tourism Forum 2019 – USA. July 21-22, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Stand-up presentation. Best Paper Award. 

  • Korea Culture & Tourism Institute  
  • Korea Tourism Organization 

  • University of Florida 
  • Korea Culture & Tourism Institute  
  • Korea Tourism Organization