Hellmut Monz

Dr. Hellmut Monz

Associate Program Manager, Digital Media


Open to

  • Masters Research or PhD student supervision
  • Media enquiries
  • Mentoring (long-term)


Hellmut Monz is the philosopher with the mission of freeing philosophy.

His work crafts liberating learning experiences for those who seek wisdom in the digital period.

Research fields

  • 5003 Philosophy
  • 360502 Computer gaming and animation
  • 360503 Digital and electronic media art
  • 3605 Screen and digital media
  • 360604 Photography, video and lens-based practice
  • 36 Creative arts and writing

UN sustainable development goals

  • 4 Quality Education

Teaching interests

Philosophy (Critical and Creative Thinking) and Digital Design (Animation, Interaction and Games)

Research interests

RRR (really real reality)

Initiatives and links