Oanh Duong

Dr. Oanh Duong

Senior Lecturer, Translating and Interpreting


  • College: School of Communication & Design
  • Department: School of Communication & Design
  • Campus: Saigon South Campus Vietnam
  • oanh.duongthihoang@rmit.edu.vn


Dr. Oanh D is an experienced and dedicated instructor who possesses significant professional instincts and strives to constantly innovate with her pedagogical methods. In her teaching, Dr. Oanh D applies both academic and vocational content, which ensures the highest levels of utility and applicability in the workplace. She combines teaching and research in order to train the students to be flexible and adaptable (in knowledge, skills, and attitude) in a constantly changing world. Within the classroom, she aims to create a sense of community where each and every student has the opportunity to flourish and develop.

Awards & recognition:
- Recipient of medal from Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City for great and constant contribution to the cause of education (2014).
- Recipient of medal from the Minister of Education and Training of Viet Nam for great and constant contribution to the cause of education of the country (2006).
- Recognised and award for Excellence in Academic Work and Community Service, from Hue University (1999-2010).
- Recognised and award for Excellence in Academic Work and Community Service, Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training MOET (2008-2009).
- Recognised and award for Excellence in Academic Work and Community Service, VNU-HCM (2010-2012)
- Recipient of various awards on academic activities and managerial tasks from Hue University, Vietnam (1985-2009)

Administrative experience:
- Associate Director, (leader) Department of External Relations, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
Responsibilities include initiatives in promoting external relations of VNU-HCM; designing, directing, supervising, developing, and evaluating tasks such as training courses for language/communication enhancement and professional development (in international relations), international projects, conferences, visitors, and events (from March 2011 to 2014)
- Director, Office for International Cooperation, Hue University (2007-2010)
- Director, Centre for Interpretation and Translation of Hue University (2007-2010)
- Dean of the International Studies Department, Hue University (2005-2006)
- Director of Office for International Relations, Research Management and Post-Graduate Education, Hue University (2003-2004);
- Dean of the English Department of Hue University (1999-2000).

Other teaching/researching engagements:
- The Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. Visiting Professor (2016)
- University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Visiting Scholar (2014)
- National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Visiting professor (2011)
- Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. Visiting Professor (2011)
- California State University – Long Beach, Long Beach, California, United States of America. Visiting Professor (2007)
- Yale University, Connecticut, United States of America. Visiting Scholar/Professor (2006-2007, 2009)
- Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand. Visiting Scholar (2005)
- Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Language Centre (SEAMEO RELC), Singapore. Visiting Scholar (2004)
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Visiting Scholar (1999)
- Indiana University – Bloomington, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America. Visiting Professor (1998)
- Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, United States of America
- Visiting Professor, Course Designer (1998).

Academic positions

  • Lecturer
  • RMIT Vietnam
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 2017 – Present
  • Co-acting Programme Lead
  • Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 2017 – Jul 2019
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Hue University
  • College of Foreign Languages
  • Huế, Vietnam
  • 2016 – 2017
  • Associate Professor in Education
  • Lifetime tittle granted by the State Council of Vietnam
  • , Viet Nam
  • 2012 – Present
  • Lecturer/Senior lecture
  • Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 2010 – 2012

Teaching interests

Teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels; courses include Interpretation and Translation, Introduction to Linguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Cross-cultural Studies, Effective Communication Skills, Academic and Professional Literacy, Curriculum Design and Innovation, Testing and Assessment, Research Methodology, Appropriate Methodology, Applied Critical Thinking, EFL/ESL (English as a Foreign/Second Language), Language Integrated Skills, Academic Writing, Public Speaking, Interview Skills.

Course Design:
- Designing and developing courses for two new majors (Language and Interpretation and Translation) for Bachelor of Languages, RMIT, Vietnam (2017 – current).
- Designed course and textbook on Applied Critical Thinking for first-year undergraduate and graduate students of all fields, Thu Dau Mot University, Binh Duong, Vietnam (from 2014, second edition 2019). Undergoing expansion to other institutions.
Established and developed a new Professional English Training Programme (PET) for the International School of Business, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2013-2014).
- Established and developed the course “Business Academic Skills in English” at both BA and MA levels for the International School of Business, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2013-2014).
- Designed and developed MA in TESOL courses “Advanced Methodology”, “Teaching Practice”, “Second Language Acquisition”, and “Discourse Analysis and EFL Teaching” for the Open University- Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho University (since 2008)
- Established and developed central Vietnam’s first MA in TESOL programme (approved by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam) at Hue University (1995).
- Established and developed a new four-year BA major in International Studies at Hue University (2005).
- Establishing and developing new majors, short-term and long-term training courses.

Industry experience:
- Other Professional Activities (Consulting, Interpreting, Translating) Worked by Invitation (on an as-needed basis) with several International and Provincial Organizations:
- Country representative to Asia TEFL (professional organisation for TESOL with more than 17,000 members from 40 countries in Asia and 39 countries elsewhere) (since 2015)
- Asian EFL Journal, Reviewing Editor, http://www.asian-efl-journal.com (since 2006)
- Fulbright (USA, since 2007), CEEVN (USA, Centre for Education Exchange with Vietnam) and Ford Foundation (USA, since 2000), NZAID (New Zealand, since 2008) as lecturer, curriculum designer, and examiner to select candidates for overseas training programs at BA, MA and Ph.D. and post-doctoral levels
- Professional interpreter for important international conferences and events (since 1989).