Payment error messages

If you've received a payment error, this table provides some actions you may choose to take.

Code Status (English) Status (Vietnamese) Description of payment status (English) Action (English)
0 Approved Đã chấp nhận Successful Transaction Your payment is successful. No further action needed.
1 Unspecified Failure Lỗi không xác định Unspecified failure in the authorisation process of your Card Issuer Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may try again with a different card or select another payment option.
2 Declined Từ chối Card Issuer declined to authorise the transaction Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may try again with a different card or select another payment option.
3 Timed Out Hết thời gian No response from Card Issuer Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may try again with a different card or select another payment option.
4 Expired Card Thẻ hết hiệu lực Invalid Expiration Date or your card is now expired Please try again with the correct expiry date. Alternatively, you may try with a different card or select another payment option.
5 Insufficient Funds Không đủ số dư Your card credit limit/ account balance was not enough to cover the payment Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
6 Error Communicating with Bank Lỗi phản hồi từ ngân hàng No response from Card Issuer Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
7 System Error Lỗi xử lý System error while processing transaction Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
8 Not Supported Không hỗ trợ thanh toán Card Issuer does not support online payment Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
9 Invalid Card Name Tên thẻ không hợp lệ Card Issuer declined to authorise the transaction Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
10 Expired Card Thẻ hết hạn Your card is now expired or deactivated Please retry with a different card or select another payment option.
11 Not Registered Chưa có dịch vụ thanh toán trực tuyến Your card/account was not activated features supporting for online payment Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
12 Invalid Card Date Ngày trên thẻ chưa hợp lệ Invalid Issue Date or Expiration Date Please try again with the correct issue date or expiry date. Alternatively, you may retry with a different card or select another payment option.
13 Exist Amount Giao dịch vượt hạn mức Your transaction was exceeded the online payment limit in accordance with your bank's regulations Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
14 Invalid Card number Số thẻ không hợp lệ Invalid Card number Please try again with correct card number. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
21 Insufficient Fund Không đủ số dư Your account balance was not enough to cover the payment Please try again with a different card or select another payment option.
22 Invalid Account Tài khoản không hợp lệ Invalid Account Information Please retry with correct account information.Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
23 Account Lock Tài khoản bị khóa Your card/account is now blocked or not activated Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
24 Invalid Card Info Thông tin thẻ không hợp lệ Invalid Card/Account Information Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
25 Invalid One-time Password (OTP) Mã xác thực không hợp lệ (OTP) Invalid OTP Please try again with valid OTP.
26 Expired One-time Password (OTP) Mã xác thực hết hiệu lực (OTP) OTP has expired Please try again with valid OTP.
98 Authentication cancelled Xác thực giao dịch bị hủy Authentication was cancelled Please try again with valid OTP. Alternatively, contact your card issuer for more information. 
99 User Cancel Giao dịch bị hủy User cancelled transaction If you would still like to proceed with the payment, please retry.
B Transaction Blocked Giao dịch bị khóa Authentication failed Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
D Awaiting Processing Chờ xử lý giao dịch Authentication failed Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
F 3D Secure Failure Xác thực giao dịch không thành công Transaction authentication was not successful Please contact Accounts Receivable team at for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option
U Card Security Code Failed Mã xác thực không thành công Card Security Code (CSC) authentication was not successful Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
Z Cannot process card Không thể xử lý thẻ Your transaction was declined Please contact your card issuer for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option.
253 Expired Hết hiệu lực Your session has expired If you would still like to proceed with the payment, please retry.
  Other Khác Unspecific failure Please contact Accounts Receivable team at for more information. Alternatively, you may retry with another card or select another payment option