Student Council: Empowering student voices at RMIT Vietnam

Student Council: Empowering student voices at RMIT Vietnam

As the crucial force in fostering an inclusive and vibrant campus, the Student Council is the official representative of RMIT Vietnam students. Student Coucil amplifies student voices to the University’s leadership, advocating for improved student experiences throughout their learning journey.

With the new generation 13 of Student Council onboarding this semester, find out how Student Council (SC) strives to make a positive impact, advocate for student needs, and help create a supportive and enriching environment for everyone.

Creating a holistic student experience

Each SC Generation has established meaningful initiatives to enhance student experiences. Under the proactive leadership of Generation 12, SC launched a series of programs that left an indelible mark on the RMIT community, such as the fairytale-themed Club Day, the semesterly Relax and Recharge wellbeing care, and the R-DOORE YOU-themed Pride Week. These events fostered a sense of belonging and started important conversations across campuses.

student-council-gen-12-at-pride-week-2023-hn Photo 1: An annual initiative led by the Student Council, Pride Week at RMIT Vietnam celebrates diversity and helps create a safe and inclusive environment.

To Duy Nguyen, President of SC Generation 12, working on improving the quality of the Student-Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs) would be the most memorable: “I am incredibly proud of the new initiative SSCCs Focused Discussion Group. This format allowed us to truly hear the students' voices and their concerns to collaborate on innovative solutions”. The Rights & Welfare Officer in Hanoi campus, Felix Phan reflected on their term: "I felt extremely honoured that we had realised a variety of projects that brought positive impacts on the RMIT community. My favourite would be the ‘Little Me’ interactive exhibition, which resonated well with our community as it demonstrated our effort to promote students’ wellbeing”.

“The thoughts and efforts that were put into creating a more inclusive and sustainable environment, as well as caring for the wider community will be SC Generation 12’s inspiring legacy. This will fuel the next generations of Student Council to continue creating lasting impacts”, Ms. Ha Nguyen, Student Council Advisor, gave her remarks.

Fostering a campus of inclusion and empathy

As the torch passes to Generation 13, the Student Council's mission remains resolute: to cultivate an inclusive and empathetic campus environment through their engagement and advocacy with the student community. “Our vision is to make the Student Council accessible to the student body by fostering a receptive and engaging platform that promotes students' interests, bridges perspectives and keeps everyone well-informed. We aim to promote student development and inclusivity, building a better RMIT community where students feel at home”, shared Nguyen Truong Thien Ly, the newly elected president of Student Council Generation 13.  

student-council-gen-12-at-pride-week-2023-sgs Photo 2: Generation 13’s priorities will surround the three pillars of Impact, Sustainability, and Inclusion

Having served on Generation 12’s board, Phuong Linh was excited to advance into the higher role of Vice President for Generation 13 at the Hanoi campus. “Witnessing positive changes in the student community, no matter how small, deeply inspired and motivated me. Serving as Vice President, I am committed to making a difference in every aspect and leveraging the student experience”, Linh stated. Aiming to deliver a wide range of initiatives around the three pillars of Impact, Sustainability, and Inclusion, Generation 13’s priority would be fostering a culture of recognition for student achievements and driving sustainability through collaborations with environmental NGOs and organizations across campuses. 

Driving force for student-university engagement and understanding

The Student Council acts as a bridge between students and staff, promoting understanding and engagement at RMIT Vietnam. By working closely with the Student Life department and the Schools, the Student Council’s activities serve as catalysts for open dialogues and collaboration to enhance the student experience. 

“The Student Council at RMIT Vietnam plays a crucial role in strengthening understanding and engagement between students and the University as they provide student insights to the RMIT Vietnam Leadership Team, raise concerns, and offer feedback on student learning experiences and success. Student Council’s efforts in initiating new ideas and projects and advocating for the student communities ensure a positive and enriching experience for everyone at RMIT Vietnam”, said Ms. Thao Nguyen, Interim Associate Director – Student Experience & Success.

student-council-gen-12-with-RMIT-leader-sgs Photo 3: RMIT University Vietnam recognises the Student Council's role in promoting understanding and engagement within the community.

Since 2011, the Student Council at RMIT Vietnam has promoted student welfare and represented student voices. As Generation 13 begins their leadership journey, their commitment to inclusion, impact, and sustainability promises to shape a vibrant and inclusive culture for the RMIT community.

Story: Thao Pham

Find out more about the Student Council at RMIT Vietnam

12 July 2024


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