The Student Staff Consultative Committee consists of students partnering with staff to shape academic program improvements.
Learn about what SSCC representatives do and how to raise your voice to shape student learning experience.
An SSCC meets twice a semester to discuss various opportunities to enhance program-related issues, such as:
It is important to note that SSCCs work with issues and recommendations. They do not deal with official complaints or grievances about academic programs, staff or students. RMIT has a separate process for official complaints. Access the complaints process here.
The committee ideally meets at least twice each semester, with seven working days' notice given to all members, including the time, place, agenda and papers for the meeting. If appropriate, you can ‘meet’ online in a forum instead of on campus. Two members of academic/teaching staff and half of the student members are required for a meeting.
Student representatives use their voice to advocate for their fellow students and collaborate with staff to enhance academic programs at RMIT.
They consult with their peers to identify program-related opportunities for improvement and present those issues at SSCC meetings. Most importantly, they then provide feedback to the other students on the results of the SSCCs achievements.
The first step to becoming an SSCC Representative is completing the Canvas Training Module.
This module will cover the basics of being on the SSCC Committee, including:
What is SSCC and how to prepare for your meetings
Guidance on getting the most out of your SSCC meetings
Tips for collaborating and communicating with your peers.
The canvas module takes approximately 60-minutes to complete with three parts, so you don't have to do it all at once. It is designed for learning and is not an assessment.
Once you've completed the module you will automatically receive a certificate of participation and be nominated as a representative for your course. The next steps will be communicated to you through your email, so just keep an eye out in your student inbox.
As a student representative you get to collaborate with staff to enhance your academic program at RMIT. You’ll develop:
Being a student representative, you can also attend SSCC induction training.
All representatives receive a manual to support you in your role. You will be able to celebrate your achievements with other SSCC representatives and academics in your school as well as share these achievements with your classmates.
After logging in, students can review previous discussions here.