Phuong’s background is in behavioural science and paediatric clinical psychology. Her research aims to provide scientific evidence and recommendations for behavioural changes in the contexts of mental health problems, cognitive and learning issues in Vietnam. Her past research has focused on creativity training techniques, the effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on internalizing symptoms, suicide, mindfulness-based interventions, and cognitive-behavioural interventions for youth and young adults. Phuong is also very open for collaboration in cross-disciplinary research (some of her past and ongoing projects include single-use plastics and behavioural economic studies), to offer her psychological insights and promote behaviour change.
- Cognitive and behavioural interventions for youth, and how technology can leverage their effects
- Determinants of behavioural change in health and environmental contexts
- Creative cognition
- Internalizing symptoms (anxiety, depression, stress, suicide) and sleep problems in youth
- Applied psychology in cross-disciplinary research