Dr Daisy is a tourism expert with a PhD in Tourism from the UK. With over a decade of experience at the National Tourist Board, she has played a pivotal role in organising high-profile events for academic, professional, and governmental audiences, including collaborations with the Prime Minister’s Department. Daisy has worked closely with renowned industry organisations such as UN Tourism, PATA, ICCA, and IAPCO, and was a founding committee member of the National Convention Bureau.
Her research interests include heritage experience, destination marketing, sustainability, and sports tourism. Her PhD, which focused on the tourist flow experience in Maritime Greenwich, involved extensive collaboration with English Heritage, Historic England, Greenwich Tourism, and UNESCO.
In addition to her research, Daisy is actively engaged in education. She has implemented COIL initiatives and designed industry-led projects for students in Tourism Planning and Sustainable Tourism. These projects foster real-world learning, enabling students to collaborate with global partners and address sustainability challenges through industry partnerships. She also serves on the Editorial Team for the e-Review of Tourism Research, contributing her expertise to advancing the field.
Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Planning, Event Management, Introduction to Food and Beverages, Research Methods.
Sustainable Conusmption
Heritage Tourism
Climate Change