2nd Annual Australia – Vietnam Collaboration on Industry 4.0


In December 2020, RMIT University (Australia) collaborated with Vietnam's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the strategic leader of Industry 4.0 development in Vietnam, to co-organise the Inaugural Strategy Roundtable on Collaboration for Industry 4.0 (article). The event also explored ways to expand cooperation between global companies, governments and industries to accelerate industrial digitalisation of manufacturing industry and related supply chains in Vietnam.

As a leading international university in Vietnam, RMIT University continues to demonstrate its leadership and commitment to effective high-level partnership development as an enabler that will support the uptake of Industry 4.0 and realisation of its benefits across all sectors in Vietnam. 

The roundtable’s overarching goal is to provide a platform for: 

  • sharing experience and progressing university and industry collaborations 
  • exploring opportunities for further cooperation with industry and government to advance the Industry 4.0 transformation agenda
  • identifying critical factors that will accelerate digital transformation in Vietnam including new skills development and workforce preparation and transformation to support Industry 4.0 

As part of the event, RMIT Vietnam will launch its new School of Science, Engineering & Technology (SSET), introduce SSET new Dean and sign an Aide Memoire with VISTI (Vietnam Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation, under MOST). 

The event will be a blended delivery workshop, with speakers and participants in Hanoi, together with virtual presenters and participants from HCMC and Australia. 

There will be approximately 100 virtual attendees by invitation only.



  • Australian experience in research engagement with industry for impact
  • How is Vietnam implementing Digital Transformation across industry and in the public sector?
  • What is Australian experience in digital transformation?
  • How can we work together to develop new skills and workforce for Industry 4.0?
  • What should we do to accelerate digital transformation in Vietnam?
  • MOST’s orientation / focus to embrace Industry 4.0 Strategic Discussion for 2022


VNT AEDT Opening
10:15 - 10:17 14:15 - 14:17 Facilitator introduces Co-Chairs and key participants (Loan Duong Hong)
10:17 - 10:25 14:17 - 14:25

Opening speech

Professor Aleks Subic, Deputy Vice Chancellor (STEM College) and Vice President Digital Innovation, RMIT University (to include comments on AVPI, ATIH as well as research partnership with industry)

10:25 - 10:30 14:25 - 14:30

Welcome remark


10:32 - 10:40 14:32 - 14:40

Industry 4.0 and Collaboration Update 2020 – 2021

Infographic Motion Video (2 min)

10:32 - 10:40 14:32 - 14:40

MOST’s orientation/ focus to embrace Industry 4.0 Strategic Discussion for 2022 

Assoc.Prof. Bui The Duy, Vice Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Vietnam

10:40 - 10:50 14:40 - 14:50

Sharing Australian experience in research engagement with industry for impact

Distinguished Professor Milan Brandt, STEM College/Research and Innovation, Technical Director of RMIT’s Advanced Manufacturing Precinct and the Director of RMIT's Centre for Additive Manufacturing.

10:50 - 10:55 14:50 - 14:55 Q&A
10:55 - 10:58 14:55 - 14:58 Industry partnerships on promoting Technology: Pacing the changes- Video
10:58 - 11:35 14:58 - 15:35

Discussion on Embracing 4.0 Technology – Digital Transformation in Vietnam

Moderators: Prof Aleks Subic and Assoc. Prof. Pham Bao Son

Promoting Technology and Shaping Policy (TBC)

Dr. Le Quang Tu, Head Division of electronic authentication infrastructure, National Electronic Authentication Centre- Ministry of Information and Communications  

Panel Discussion 

Topics of discussion:

  • How is Vietnam implementing digitalisation across industry and public sector?  
  • What are the opportunities for collaboration with Vietnam in Industry 4.0 area? 
  • How can we work together to develop new skills and workforce for Industry 4.0? 

Panel includes:

  • What do we need to do to accelerate digital transformation in Vietnam?
  • Samantha Murray Vice-President and CEO Digital Industries Software, Australia/New Zealand
  • Suzanne Steele, Vice President of Adobe ANZ
  • Denis Brunetti, President of Ericsson Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos
  • Dr. Le Quang Tu, Ministry of Information Communications
  • Professor Brett Kirk, Dean School of Science, Engineering & Technology, RMIT Vietnam


Interactive Q&A section with participants

11:35 - 11:45 15:35 - 15:45

RMIT 2022 Plan

Launch School of Science, Engineering & Technology (SSET)

“RMIT SSET as an enabler for advancing the Industry 4.0 Agenda in Vietnam” 

Professor Aleks Subic to announce the launch of SSET

Professor Peter Coloe to announce RMIT’s initiatives and formal engagements of RMIT with industry partners, and 

sign Aide Memoire: Professor Peter Coloe and VISTI with Associate Prof. Hoang Minh, President VISTI

11:45 - 11:50 15:45 - 15:50


Mr. Nguyen Tat Thanh, Vietnam Ambassador in Australia (TBC)

11:50 - 11:55 15:50 - 15:55

Closing remarks

Professor Aleks Subic, Deputy Vice Chancellor (STEM College) and Vice President Digital Innovation, RMIT University  
