Engineering workshop series “Touch the tech with RMIT”

Experience what it feels like to engage and operate of the most cutting-edge technology in engineering at RMIT.

From designing and crafting your own product, teaching a robot how to dance to controlling room lighting with your smartphone, everything is possible in our series of practical and interactive workshops.



Make a “ruler” out of you!

Let your creativity rule. Experience professional CAD software to create your own special product at our Advanced Manufacturing Workshop. 

By Mr. Trung Nguyen - Master of Science and Mechanical Engineering 

Associate Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, School of Science & Technology, RMIT Vietnam

Trip the bot fantastic! 

Explore the mechanism behind humanoid robots and even teach them how to dance to a given tune

Dr. Minh Tran - PhD in Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics

Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, School of Science & Technology, RMIT Vietnam

Tireless wireless 

As the world seems to tirelessly move towards wireless technology, take small steps in understanding its principles through this workshop’s experiment on electromagnetic induction. 

Mr. Thanh Pham - Master of Engineering (Microelectronic Engineering) 

Associate Lecturer, School of Science & Technology, RMIT Vietnam

Room Light DJ 

Discover the notion of “smart home” and learn how to control your home devices including light bulbs, fans with just a handy smartphone. 

Dr. Minh Bui - PhD in Electrical Engineering 

Lecturer, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Science & Technology, RMIT Vietnam

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