Apply for credit

If you have completed relevant study or have relevant work or life experiences in the area of your current study at RMIT, you should consider applying for credit.

Credit is the recognition of previous learning or work experience that can be counted towards a current program. This can reduce the number of units (courses) needed to complete your RMIT program, which means the length and cost of your studies are reduced and you don’t need to spend time learning things you already know.

If you have completed relevant study or have relevant work or life experiences in the area of your current study at RMIT, you should consider applying for credit.

 You can apply for credit for:

  • Formal learning – Accredited study undertaken at a university or at a Technical and further education institution (TAFE) (e.g. a bachelor’s degree or courses at another institution).
  • Non-accredited learning outside of a qualification – Professional development, training, workshops, short courses or seminars.
  • Work or life experience – Skills obtained through work, employment, an internship, volunteering or social activities.
  • Professional accreditation – You have an accreditation, but you haven't practised recently or it has expired.

All applications must be supported by documented evidence of your prior learning or experience unless your previous study was completed at RMIT University.

Applications for credit should be submitted at least 20 working days before the first teaching day of the course for which you are seeking credit.

If you submit your application late, there is no guarantee that it will be assessed before census date (deadline for enrolment variations without tuition fee penalty), which means your study plan for the semester may be impacted. If you apply for internship exemption, you should apply at least a semester (4 months) in advance.

To apply for credit, you must:

  • Download and complete the relevant form depending on the type of credit you are applying for (see below).
  • Gather any supporting documentation required.
  • Submit the form and supporting documents via Studylink (if you are new to RMIT) or myRMIT via the Submit Request tile if you are a current student.

It generally takes up to 20 working days for your credit request to be assessed. Longer periods may apply during peak admissions and enrolment times. You will receive an email about the outcome of your application to your RMIT student email account.

If you are applying for credit for... Use this form Supporting documentation  

Formal learning

If you completed part, or all, of an accredited qualification at RMIT or another university or TAFE in the past 10 years (e.g. a bachelor’s degree or courses at another institution),


If you completed part, or all, of an accredited qualification at RMIT or another university or TAFE over 10 years ago AND have work experience relevant to  the discipline of the credit

Credit transfer application form

For formal learning, non-accredited learning and professional accreditation

- Copies of official academic transcript/statement of results, Certificate of Completion

- Course syllabus/outline/guide, which includes: learning outcomes, the volume of learning/contact hours, the content of study / weekly topics, assessment methods (assessment types and weighting)

For work or life experience

- Employment confirmation including duration of employment and position held, job description detailing duties and responsibilities, CV, reference/recommendation letters

Non-accredited learning, work or life experience, or accreditation obtained from a professional body

If your learning was not part of an accredited qualification (e.g. professional development, training, workshops, short courses or seminars), or work or life experience (e.g. skills obtained through work, employment, an internship, volunteering, or social activities), or accreditation obtained from a professional body (e.g. ACCA, CPA)

Higher education application for RPL assessment form

(one separate form for each course you’d like to apply RPL for)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

About internship

You may be eligible for internship exemption based on your previous work experience. However, each program will have their own work experience requirements. For example, being at mid management level, having from 5 to 10 years of experience. Some programs do not grant internship exemption due to accreditation requirement.

You are recommended to apply at least a semester (4 months) in advance.

Please refer to the required documentation for work or life experience listed in section “How do I apply?” above. Some programs may require additional documents specific to program requirements.

The outcome of the internship exemption assessment may be:

  • You are granted credit for the internship course with RLG grade
  • You are recommended to take another course as a replacement for the internship course. In this case, myRMIT may still show the internship course in your course list. You may ignore the course and complete the recommended course as per approval.

Yes, if you're dissatisfied with the outcome of your credit transfer application, you may seek a review of the decision by replying to the outcome email within five working days of the outcome email being sent. 

If you're still dissatisfied, you can appeal the decision by completing the Appeal against recognition of prior learning, recognition of current competency and credit transfer application form and send to a relevant contact point listed in the form. This must be submitted within 20 working days from when you received the outcome of your credit application. 

General enquiries

Higher education programs

The amount of credit you can apply for is based on how far you have progressed in your previous study and your program at RMIT. To be eligible to graduate, you must successfully complete at least 96 credit points or 50% of your program, whichever is less.

However, for studies completed with other institutions that form the basis for credit towards a higher-level qualification at RMIT, there is a limit in credit points that can be granted. In particular,

  • If you completed an Australian advanced diploma or associate degree, or an equivalent overseas qualification, you are eligible for up to 144 credit points towards a three-year or four-year RMIT bachelor degree
  • If you completed an Australian diploma or an equivalent overseas qualification, you are eligible for up to 96 credit points towards a three-year or four-year RMIT bachelor degree

You should request to be assessed for credit when you submit your program application.

If you are applying from an approved partner institution, you are not required to submit a syllabus unless otherwise advised.

If you have qualifications from an institution that is not an RMIT partner, credit into your RMIT program will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. In this case, syllabus is required.

External credit transfer

It generally takes up to 20 working days for your credit request to be assessed. Longer periods may apply during peak admissions and enrolment times. You will receive an email about the outcome of your application to your RMIT student email account.

Internal credit transfer

It generally takes up to 5 working days from the result release date of the current semester. You will receive an email about the outcome of your application to your RMIT student email account.

When there is a mix of study taken at RMIT and credit previously granted based on study at another institution, it may take up to 20 working days to re-assess credit based on study at another institution. In some cases, syllabus may be required.

For Bachelor Degrees, and Postgraduate qualifications, there is no cost.

No, if you are granted credit for a course, RMIT will withdraw your enrolment for the relevant course/s you have been granted credit for. However, you are encouraged not to enrol in the course you are applying for credit. If this action prevents you from enrolling in another course due to prerequisite requirements, please contact Student Connect for enrolment support.

There are different types of grades which may appear on your transcript for credit transfer. See Grades for more information. If you receive credit for previous study undertaken at RMIT including study taken at other RMIT campuses, in some circumstances the grades you obtained in your previous course will be transferred to the new course and appear on your academic transcript. This includes fail grades.

Yes, however, you must first get approval from your Program Coordinator or Manager before you enrol at the other institution, including Global Experience Study Abroad programs.

All applications are assessed in line with the RMIT Credit Policy and Credit Procedure to determine whether you can be granted either credit transfer or recognition of prior learning based on the details provided in your application.

Yes, if you're dissatisfied with the outcome of your credit transfer application you may seek a review of the decision by replying to the outcome email within five working days of the outcome email being sent.

If you're still dissatisfied, you can appeal the decision by completing the Appeal against recognition of prior learning, recognition of current competency and credit transfer application form and send to a relevant contact point listed in the form. This must be submitted within 20 working days from when you received the outcome of your credit application.

Yes, you can. Students are permitted to request the removal of any transferred credit, regardless of the course type. This can proceed as long as the student is aware of the impact the removal has on their finances and duration of study, and the removal is endorsed by a relevant School. If a student retakes a course and earns a lower grade, this new grade will remain on their student record, and they cannot request to replace it with the previous one. In the event that a student fails the retaken course and does not wish to repeat it, they can request a credit transfer for the course again, but the fail grade will still remain on their student record. 

As stated in the Credit Procedure - Masters Advanced Standing document, masters advanced standing exemptions may be available in masters by coursework programs. You can apply for Master Advanced Standing if 

  • A. You completed a bachelor degree or higher level in the same discipline or degree specialisation within the last 10 years; or 
  • B. Your previous qualification was in a related discipline, but was completed outside of the 10-year period, and you have evidence of ongoing professional work and/or professional development in the related discipline of the master program; or  
  • C. Your previous qualification was not in a related discipline, but you have a minimum of 2 years ongoing industry experience in the related discipline of the master program.

This will be assessed at the time of program application.

  • For MC192 and MC199 program: No form needs to be completed. Supporting documents for your work experience are required if you fall into situation B or C mentioned above.
  • For MC159 and MC271: Please follow the instructions detailed in section “How do I apply?” above.

The amount of credit you can apply for is based on the academic level of the previous program and your program at RMIT. 

Where you are assessed as being eligible to receive credit for more than 1 university elective in BP351, or more than 2 university electives in BP312, or more than 6 university electives in BP318, you are eligible for a program minor waiver. This means you are not required to complete minor courses, and 

  • For BP312, the remaining elective courses (if any) to be taken from the program option list of the program 
  • For BP318 and BP351, the remaining electives (if any) to be taken from any course offered as university elective 

Where you are assessed as being eligible to receive credit for more than 4 university electives in BP343, the exempted university electives will take up the places of business option courses. This means you may take fewer business option courses than normal standard if any. 

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