Teen Summer Explorers

Teen Summer Explorers

Study load
Morning and afternoon
Program code
4 weeks
Application deadlines

Rolling applications

RMIT Saigon South
Program code
Application deadlines


Designed for learners from 12 to 17 years old, RMIT's Summer Explorers program promises teen students an extraordinary one-of-a-kind summer, with every passing minute full of learning and memorable moments.

Studying, having fun, and making new friends, teens participating in RMIT summer will have the opportunity to become more independent and prepare for university. They will be inspired and instructed to:

  • Learn in an international environment and career orientation
  • Develop cross-cultural competence
  • Develop life skills and creative thinking
  • Participate in physical activities
  • Learn English through a project-based approach
  • Be ready for university

Program structure


  • RMIT Saigon South campus: Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 15:00 (4 weeks) including 60 hours of learning English and 40 hours of learning skills and participating in physical activities

60 hours of English class:

With levels from Elementary to Proficiency and learning English through a project-based approach, students will improve their English proficiency where they practise real life skills. Besides, they can practise teamwork, presentation skills, and leadership, etc. through working on English projects together.

40 hours of learning skills and participating in physical activities:

Students will participate in taster classes of some popular bachelor majors, along with gaining a deeper understanding of themselves in career orientation sessions and have access to reliable sources to help them choose a suitable field of study and career in the future. In Week 4, students will learn sketch-noting to effectively convey ideas and take notes using visual aids, enabling them to easily understand and remember information. Moreover, students will also focus on developing a wide range of life skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, building positive relationships, adapting to change, public speaking, and learning first aid.

Especially, students will have a one-day excursion aimed at helping teenagers strengthen their connection with nature while creating memorable moments with friends.

Learning, teaching and assessment

Experienced teachers with international teaching qualifications

Students will study with educators who have experience in teaching both younger and more mature-aged Vietnamese learners whose international teaching qualifications are recognised and checked by NEAS (a leading independent organisation for English language teaching quality assessment worldwide with over 200 members in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Middle East). Studying with experienced educators from RMIT, students will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the learning methods and critical thinking skills of university students, thus gradually developing an advantage starting from high school.

Use of technology

Students will be facilitated in their use of technology and supported in using technology as part of their projects. This will include the use of digital presentation and poster tools, and other online apps. Additionally, teachers will use digital tools, such as Quizlet and Kahoot, as part of class to engage and motivate learners.

Communication with parents

  • Orientation Day at the beginning of the course
  • Closing Ceremony at the end of the course
  • Mid-course and end-of-course feedback regarding student's performance

If you have any concerns, you can always contact us at any time during the course on our hotline.

This course is not available for international students intending to study on a student visa.

Information for international students

Sorry, this course is not available for international students intending to study on a student visa. If you hold a different visa type, you may be eligible. Please contact Study@RMIT for more information.


Information for local students

If you are a local student please select 'switch to local' below to view the full course information.

How to apply

1. Contact a program advisor

2. Register for placement test

3. Take the placement test

4. Results and invitation