RMIT Teacher Talks reinforces educators’ agility

RMIT Teacher Talks reinforces educators’ agility

RMIT Teacher Talks 2021 prepared English educators to teach in uncertain times by sharing innovative and agile approaches to education.

By sharing innovative and agile approaches to education, RMIT Teacher Talks 2021 prepares English educators to teach in uncertain times. By sharing innovative and agile approaches to education, RMIT Teacher Talks 2021 prepares English educators to teach in uncertain times.

Organised by RMIT Vietnam’s School of English & University Pathways (SEUP)Teacher Talks is a recurring professional development series for English teaching professionals in Vietnam.

This year’s Teacher Talks event was delivered virtually to teachers and schools in Vietnam, addressing the theme ‘Innovation and Agility: Teaching in uncertain times’. 

RMIT Vietnam’s Danang Senior Academic Manager Stuart Turner said that as we continued through a year that has been an uncertain one both in Vietnam and globally, “we need to become agile in our approaches to education, blending lessons learned from Emergency Remote Teaching with a near-future of a return to more traditional, face-to-face teaching.”

The eight workshops, which were delivered as practical and teaching-based demonstrations, covered various topics including:

  • Motivating vocabulary learning autonomy with vocabulary notebooks
  • Meaningful pronunciation activities in the online classroom
  • Instant messaging for student support and engagement
  • Independent learning opportunities in the online classroom
  • Positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement: How to impact learner engagement
  • The importance of review: Practical activities for the classroom
  • Teacher-led wellbeing in uncertain times. 

“Participants had a chance to to be involved in trying out the activities and leave the session with definite ‘takeaways’ that they can use the next day in their own contexts with appropriate adaptation,” Mr Turner said.

Story: Ha Hoang

23 June 2021


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