Yin Teng (Elaine) Chew

Yin Teng (Elaine) Chew

Acting Associate Head of Department, Research



Elaine has the teaching experience in management, HRM, international business, entrepreneurship and MBA. She led education innovation in her past teaching of capstone courses related to business strategy at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Elaine’s continuous improvement has also been rewarded with five PVC Teaching Excellence awards. Her passion for teaching excellence has led her revamp of the entrepreneurship course to win the Impactful (i5) UN PRME ASEAN competition (2023) for the Malaysia chapter. 


With RMIT Vietnam's country commitment, Elaine's cross-campus collaborative team (Vietnam and Australia) has been granted a Strategic Innovation Challenge fund to bring regional level of social impacts via innovative education leadership in gamification of learning. The social project aligns with CoBL 31, Knowledge with Action (KWA), and Active-Applied-Authentic pedagogy in designs of teaching plans and assessments to enhance internalization of student learning and employability skills acquisition.  

Awards & recognition:
- Teaching award: 5 PVC Teaching Excellence Awards (Monash University Malaysia)
- Research award: 1 PVC Research Excellence Award (Monash University Malaysia)

Industry Experience
- Published report in 2023. Collaboration with: Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) Hong Kong and KPMG Hong Kong. Charting a New Course in Asia Pacific: Regional Trends in Global Sourcing (co-authored with project leader Prof. Neale O'Connor)
- Published report in 2022 (in Japanese). Commissioned by: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Japan. Electrical and Electronics Industry in Malaysia: A case of Semiconductor sector (as a project leader; co-author with JETRO Kuala Lumpur)

Employment history:
2007 July - 2023 July: Monash University Malaysia
2006 - 2007 June: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
2005 - 2006: Kolej Bandar Utama, Malaysia


Research fields

  • 3505 Human resources and industrial relations
  • 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
  • 5201 Applied and developmental psychology
  • 3302 Building
  • 4005 Civil engineering

UN sustainable development goals

  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 4 Quality Education
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 5 Gender Equality

Academic positions

  • Associate Professor, Acting Head of Management Department (Research)
  • RMIT Vietnam
  • Management. The Business School
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • 17 Jul 2023 – Present
  • Associate Professor, Departmental Coordinator to Head, AoL Committee
  • Monash University Malaysia
  • Management
  • Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • 2 Jul 2007 – 5 Jul 2023
  • Assistant Professor, MBA Course Coordinator
  • Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
  • Management and Accounting
  • Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
  • 1 Jun 2006 – 30 Jun 2007


  • Ph.D, Business and Management
  • Nagoya University Japan
  • Japan
  • 2002 – Present
  • Masters Degree by Coursework, Business and Management
  • Otaru University of Commerce, Japan
  • Japan
  • 2000 – Present
  • Bachelor Degree Level, Business and Management
  • Monash University
  • Australia
  • 1994 – Present

Supervisor projects

  • Leading by Love: A Qualitative Study of Affective tình mẫu tử (motherly love) Leadership among Vietnamese Women Leaders
  • 12 Dec 2024

Teaching interests

As the Associate Professor of HRM in RMIT TBS, Elaine teaches postgraduate and undergraduate courses around human resources management, personal branding and people management with a constant attention to various local (i.e., Vietnam at the country, province, city levels) and global geopolitical and economic developments to conduct timely teaching with market currency. 


In parallel with IR 4.0, Elaine has integrated learning around digital transformation from the HR aspect into teaching. Together with staff members in the Department of Management, she has also conducted digital transformation workshops on areas of capability & capacity assessment, rewiring of existing talents & organizational structure, and collapsing legacies to embrace change management for digital transformation.  


Elaine's passion for innovative education continues after winning the Impactful (i5) UN PRME ASEAN competition (2023) for the Malaysia chapter.  Having secured a social impact grant from RMIT Vietnam and with the mentoring by Prof. Robert McClelland (Dean, TBS, RMIT Vietnam), Elaine has built a team of certified LEGO Serious Play (LSP) facilitators and led the team in gamification of learning.


Showcasing RMIT and TBS as an innovative education leader, the social work and benefits are interlocking and well-aligned in teaching and social impact in RMIT: 

  • CoBL 31:
      • The social project provides capability building training that are flexible, responsive and highly applied to RMIT and non-RMIT staff members. The enhancement of student learning are also conducted via cross-campus activities (in-person (Jessica Helmi [co-founder of GamifiED Hub, SoM, Melbourne] and Elaine Chew [TBS, Vietnam]) such as classes in Singapore Institute of Management (SIM - a partner institution in Singapore). This is conducted by using a combination of learning modes (in-person, blended, hybrid) and technologies (i.e., MIRO, Canvas, Padlet) to offer a flexible and highly applied and inclusive learning pathways. Students in Singapore were equipped with skills and knowledge and tasked to solve real-world challenges (make social responsibility modules revenue-generating) for Singapore Red Cross' operational sustainability. Such design and delivery enables student experience in and out of the classroom.
      • While the social project runs, it also integrates research component for future publications (creation & dissemination of knowledge) for impactful research, useful for managing the current state and shaping the future of effective and impactful learning/training (education & non-education industry).
  • Knowledge with Action (KWA):
      • Building lifelong learning system that graduates are able to manage the current state, shape the future that are positive, sustainable (e.g., Singapore Red Cross Academy) and fair.
      • Leading through civic partnership with cross-campus collaboration (co-creation of co-curricular activities in SIngapore with Jessica Helmi of GamifiED Hub); and with NPOs (ANDE, World Vision East Asia [WVI], SPARK Hub) & NGOs to make LSP accessible and benefit effective brainstorming for sustainability of business ecosystem, and the vulnerable and minority communities (e.g., children, women); and respond to different learners' needs
      • Being a leader in impact in the Asia Pacific, established a network of LSP connected community of practice for teaching capabilities (i.e., Vietnam [3 universities], Malaysia [3], Singapore [1] & Indonesia [2]), with Malaysia as RMIT Vietnam's hub outside of Vietnam to ensure sustainable gamification of learning.
      • Given the three KWAs explained, the social project positions RMIT Vietnam as the front door to understand gamification of learning via LSP within Southeast Asia, thereby raise CoBL and RMIT Vietnam profile offshore to support student diversification.
  • Triple As to learning, teaching & assessments:
      • Integrating Industry-Partnered Learning (IPL) and Work-integrated Learning (WIL), LSP is used to scaffold learning (internalization of knowledge and tools) necessary for skill-building (i.e., analytical, application, problem identification and solution development skills) to be Applied to managing real-world/Authentic challenges in course assessments with marking rubrics that authentically assess graduate competencies. Gamification of learning creates an inclusive learning environment that Actively engages students to explore their inner/hidden talents to manage real-world challenges.   
  • Social impacts at the Asia Pacific level:
      • Vietnam (Education): 3 universities (academics & students); In collaboration with Quality Assurance RMIT Vietnam, 50 education institution leaders; RMIT academics (5 in TBS; 1 in School of Design and Communication) in gamification of learning; high school students, 
      • Vietnam (Industry):  Green packaging in tourism & hospitality industry (40 workshop participants); In collaboration with SPARK Hub, gamify brainstorming session via LSP for Aspen Network of Entrepreneurial Development [ANDE] to improve a sustainable social entrepreneurship ecosystem (12 workshop participants).
      • Malaysia (Education): 3 universities (78 academics & 100 students) across business (i.e., entrepreneurship, start-up, financial management)  and non-business courses (VR, language, journalism).
      • Indonesia: 2 universities (40 academics)
      • Singapore: 1 university (600 students across 3 in-person and hybrid lectures) via cross-campus collaboration (RMIT Australia (Jessica Helmi) and RMIT Vietnam (Elaine Chew, TBS).


Research interests

- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Psychology
- Tourism
- Consumer Psychology
- Sustainability