Updated resources and relevant information for RMIT Vietnam staff and students about COVID-19.
Updated resources and relevant information for RMIT Vietnam staff and students about COVID-19.
Updated resources and relevant information for RMIT Vietnam staff and students about COVID-19.
Please call ISOS by phone (24/7 hotline: (028) 3829 8520; Saigon South: (028) 3776 1360; Hanoi: (024) 3201 2601) and follow their instructions regarding testing procedures and any healthcare support.
Please self-isolate for a minimum of five (5) days. After self-isolation, you can return to campus but must wear mask for another five (5) days. No PCR or quick test are required. Please self-isolate for a minimum of five (5) days. After self-isolation, you can return to campus but must wear mask for another five (5) days. No PCR or quick test are required.
Please do not attend campus if you feel unwell. If you feel unwell while on campus, you are strongly encouraged to call, email or visit our health centres for healthcare support and advice.
RMIT Health Centre - Saigon South campus
RMIT Health Centre - Hanoi campus
If you are in Danang and feeling unwell, please contact International SOS for assistance by calling (028) 3829 8520.
If you have any questions regarding the COVID-19 protocol, please call the RMIT COVID-19 Support Hotline at (028) 3 7761 493 (from 8am - 5pm).